Kindergarten sophomore class
The study investigated the practical pattern of kindergarten teacher evaluation based on different backgrounds.───研究从不同角度考察不同背景之下幼儿园教师评价改革的实践形态.
The mother gave her child over to the kindergarten during the day.───母亲在白天把她的孩子交托给幼儿园.
Take your children to the kindergarten.───送孩子去幼儿园.
Bring the children back from kindergarten at four o'clock.───四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。
I enjoy singing English songs to young children in kindergarten.───我喜欢在幼儿园向小孩子们唱英文歌.
The teacher of the kindergarten told the pupils to respect, and cherish each other.───幼儿园的老师告诉小朋友们要互敬互爱.
My musical career consisted of playing the triangle in kindergarten.───我的音乐生涯包括在幼儿园演奏三角铁。
Little tykes play in kindergarten.───小孩在幼儿园玩耍.
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- cullender kindergarten