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词汇 countless hours
释义 countless hours
countless hours发音



coxless fours───无舵手

endless hours───无休止的时间

business hours───营业时间;上班时间


cocktail hours───鸡尾酒时间

count nouns───可数名词

counted out───点数;不把…算在内;拳击中判输

counter hands───计数器指针

counter word───n.泛义词;含义模糊的词


In fact, I spent countless hours during my college years playing online games of all kinds.───实际上,在大学期间我在玩各种网络游戏上耗费了数不清的时间。

We haven't seen each other yet, but we have spent countless hours on the phone catching up on 52 years of our lives.───我们到现在也还没再见过面,但我们花了很长的时间在电话里互诉了52年里我们各自的生活。

During countless hours on hundreds of miles of road, Mr. Ringen's eyes have become attuned to the tiniest tattered remains; he can spot a flattened mouse while driving 50 miles an hour, he says.───经过在无数里公路上花费了无数个小时时间,瑞根先生的眼睛对最小的残余物也很敏感;据他说,50公里每小时的车速行驶时,他也能发现被压扁的田鼠。

People spend countless hours and dollars each year trying to get rid of these bad habits but often fail.───人们每年都花费无数的时间和钱尝试去改掉坏毛病但是经常失败。

I spent countless hours birthing both. It was an expensive reality, ultimately costing millions and absorbing every ounce of my energy.───我日以继夜地孕育着它们,这是一个昂贵的现实,最终要花费数百万美元,吸走我每一盎司的能量。

Mozart was not an accomplished pianist at the age of eight as the result of watching countless hours of TV.───莫扎特在八岁的时候并不是一个多才多艺的钢琴家,是经过长期的观看电视节目才变得优秀。

After coming up with a business plan in January 2000, she spent countless hours trying to find investors interested in this novel idea.───她在2000年1月提出一份业务规划,随后花了大量时间寻找对这一新颖构想感兴趣的投资者。

Over the past few years, I have spent countless hours in the studio trying to be a greater producer.───过去几年来,我花了无数时间待在录音室里,努力成为一个更棒的“制作人”。

Companies are spending countless hours and millions of dollars trying to master social media.───现在的公司需要花费大量的时间和上百万美元去掌控社会媒体。


We spent countless hours lying on a blanket spread in the sun on the fragrant grass.

The Victorians spent countless hours on trains and passed many of them reading books.

Many employees work countless hours of unpaid overtime .

But people in Great Groups are different from those who spend countless hours in thrall to video games or other trivial pursuits.

Each of the educators and programs in these pages developed over countless hours of experimentation and trial and error.

During the time I was bedridden, I spent countless hours writing encouraging letters and praying for others.

Daily it devours whole forests and countless hours of sweated labour.

Javad spent countless hours with the Hammoud sisters' taekwondo team and with pattern maker Latifa Boukenda, to make the best product possible.

Wagner, Roberto, Hugo, and the others had obviously spent countless hours together.





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