alternative questions───选择疑问句
alternative method───替代的方法
alternative music───另类音乐;非正统音乐
alternative conjunction───替代连词
alternative treatment───替代治疗
alternative conjunctions───选择连词
alternative comedian───另类喜剧演员
alternative energies───替代能源;新能源
alternative fuel───[能源]代用燃料;可替代燃料;人造液体燃料
The second performs a select statement, using the alternative question mark placeholders.───而第二个例子使用问号占位符执行一条select语句。
We firstly divide the alternative question into two parts, selection and question. Meanwhile, we investigate the expressions of selection and question.───并首次将选择疑问句分为选择和疑问两部分,对选择的表现形式、疑问的表现形式分别进行研究。
Such question is known as alternative question.───这种是选择疑问句.
But my question is that if this is a cheese alternative, what is a milk protein doing in the product?───但我的问题是,如果这是一个奶酪替代,是什么牛奶蛋白做的产品?
- alternative explanations
- alternative apparel
- alternative question