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词汇 cost accounting
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cost accountant───成本会计师


not counting───除外

social accounting───社会会计

creative accounting───伪造帐目,创造性会计


cash account───[金融]现金帐户

cash accounts───[金融]现金帐户



Have experience of cost accounting, can analyze and control production cost and give constructive proposals.───有成本核算经验, 能完成产品生产成本的分析、控制,并提出建设性的意见.

Cost accounting systems provide timely unit product costs through the use of perpetual inventory procedures.───成本会计系统通过使用永续盘存制定期提供产品的单位成本.

Physical distribution cost accounting system's questions and so on flaw.───物流成本核算制度的缺陷等问题.

Systems of accounting for manufacturing operations that incorporate perpetual inventories are usually called cost accounting systems.───使用永续盘存制的会计系统叫做成本会计系统.

Cost accounting is an important measure for service trades to adapt themselves to market economy.───实施成本核算是窗口服务企业主动适应市场经济并不断发展完善的重要举措.

The cost accounting purpose for cost information relates to pi 8'ning and cost control.───成本会计需要成本资料主要是为了进行成本计划和成本控制.

Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation.───审计、成本会计和税务方面的经验。

If there is only one processing department, the cost accounting procedures are simple.───如果只有一个生产车间, 成本核算的过程就比较简单.

Aspiring doctors are not normally taught microeconomics, cost accounting or risk management.───志向高远的医生们一般不会学习微观经济学、成本会计或风险管理。

It also exposes the essence of pricing issues in school A through education cost accounting.───另一方面,通过教育成本核算,认识到A校收费问题的实质.

Cost accounting analyzes a business's costs to help managers control expenses.───成本会计分析企业的成本以帮助经理控制开支.

Analysis cost accounting for RM used, labor cost and efficiency production.───分析原材料使用成本 、 人工费及生产效率.

Proficient in using office software including budgeting, inventory and cost accounting.───精通包括预算, 清单及算量软件在内的各种办公软件.

Coordinating with warehouse administrator and cost accounting to check year end inventory.───年终协助仓管和成本核算员进行盘点核算.

Chapter 4 is the problems and solutions in the use of human resources cost accounting.───第四部分是人力资源成本会计运用过程中存在的问题及解决对策.

The second part introduced the relevant check contents of the human resource cost accounting.───第二部分是人力资源成本会计的相关核算内容.

B .1.5 Is a cost accounting method in use?───采用了成本会计方法 吗 ?

Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation is necessary.───须有审计 、 成本会计和税务方面的经验.

But full cost accounting will be introduced without delay.───但是,全面成本核算马上将被采用。

Explain the nature and purpose of cost accounting.───解释成本会计的性质和目的.

In addition, based on present cost analysis by thermoeconomic method , cost accounting for disturbance is analyzed.───另外, 在原有用热经济学分析主系统成本的基础上, 进一步考虑了扰动对热电成本的影响.

Part V of the College of Education on the process and cost accounting methods.───第五部分阐述高校教育成本核算的流程及方法.

Cost accounting is a method, running ability is a purpose.───成本核算是手段, 管理才是目的.

Objective To probe into the efficacy of nursing management influenced by independent nursing cost accounting.───目的探讨护理成本独立核算对护理管理的要求和影响.

We should know correctly the relation between cost basis of a better taxation cost accounting.───当前控制我国税收成本应正确处理两种关系:依法治税与税收成本控制的关系;征税成本与纳税成本、短期成本与长期成本的关系.

Cost accounting is an important job in an enterprise.───成本核算是企业中一项重要工作.

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