collective sense───集体意识
correcting lens───校正透镜;矫正镜片;补正透镜
convertible lenses───可换透镜;并合镜头;变倍率透镜;转换透镜
corrective surgery───矫正手术
contact lenses───隐形眼镜(contactlense的复数)
correcting plates───校正板
correcting tapes───校正磁带
correction tapes───修正带
corrective action───n.[自]校正动作
My nearsightedness makes me especially glad for corrective lenses.───我的近视令我特别珍惜这些能矫正视力的镜片。
Besides exercising and relaxing your eyes, you also need to take care of your corrective lenses.───除了活动及放松您的眼睛,您也必须照顾您的矫正镜片。
Blurred vision-often passes soon and usually will not require a new corrective lenses prescription.───视力模糊—通常很快过去并且通常不需要新的矫治镜片。
The only restriction on his first-class medical certificate was that he "must wear corrective lenses. "───他非常出色的体检合格证上唯一的限制仅仅是“必须佩戴合适的眼镜”。
She said almost all of her friends wear black contacts as well, regardless of whether or not they need to wear corrective lenses.───她还说几乎她所有的朋友们都戴隐形眼镜,不管是不是近视。
In Taiwan, a recent survey indicated that by the end of elementary school, 50 percent of students wear corrective lenses.───台湾近来有一项调查显示,小学毕业时,有百分之五十的学生都戴上了矫正镜片。
Subject no longer requires corrective lenses.───不再需要配戴矫正镜片
My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I've never had any vision problems and have never worn corrective lenses.───我身高1.68米,我视力从来没有问题,也未戴过眼镜。
Reading the music can start to become a problem for some who require strong corrective lenses.───对于一部分眼睛高度老花的人,读谱也是个问题。
For the mythic Le Mans 24 Hour race, TAG Heuer equips the Audi Sport team with award-winning Squadra Night Vision – the world's first opthalmic shield with integrated corrective lenses.
People with visual impairment have abnormal vision even with the help of corrective lenses.
My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters.I've never had any vision problems and have never worn corrective lenses.
- corrective feedback
- corrective lenses
- corrective actions
- corrective action plan