Grandma left Bob
Times have changed since Grandma was young.───时移,现在已不是祖母年轻时那会儿了。
Thank you for being such a wonderful Grandma.───谢谢您让我们有一个这么好的祖母.
Grandma asked them to all take their seats at the dining table.───奶奶请他们坐在餐桌前准备用餐.
Surely your Dad will bring your love to your Grandpa and Grandma.───当然了,你的爸爸会向你的爷爷奶奶转达你的问好.
Tomorrow is chinese memorial day . We are flying back to Taiyuan to Megan's grandpa and grandma.───明天就是清明了, 今晚我们回太原,明天去祖坟看看麦根的姥姥、姥爷.
After several days'recuperation in hospital, grandma feels much better now.───奶奶在疗养院将息数日后, 精神变得好多了.
Grandma was from Scotland.───奶奶来自苏格兰。
Grandma put her hand on the chair to stay her from falling.───奶奶把手放在椅子上杆住自己不致摔倒.
Grandma always lag behind when we go for a walk.
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