convenience food───便利食品
convenience goods───便利品,日用品
convenience stores───便利店
convenience store───[贸易]便利商店
convergence zones───[海洋]会聚区;辐合区;收敛地区
convenience markets───便利市场
convenience market───日用杂货市场
Like working women anywhere, Asian women are buying convenience foods.───像其他地方的职业妇女一样,亚洲的妇女们在购买方便食品。
Convenience foods and electrical household appliances are finding their way into families.───方便食品、家用电器等已逐步进入家庭.
Many other flavorings are now being marketed to improve the flavor characteristics, particularly of convenience foods.───许多市售的其他调味料也能够改善食物的风味特征, 特别是对于方便食品.
Small wonder that Britain's market for ready - made convenience foods has doubled in the last five years.───怪不得英国市场的便利熟食在过去五年里增长了一倍.
If I don't have the skills in cooking, shifting from convenience foods to home cooked meals takes a lot more time and effort.───如果我没有烹调的技能,那么将方便食品转换成家庭菜肴会耗费大量的多得多的时间和努力。
Adults with children ate more of those snacks and other convenience foods.───带孩子的成年人通常会吃下更多数量的快餐及其他种类的方便食品.
needs to venture further into health and convenience foods, two of the industry's main areas of growth.───应该在健康食品和方便食品方面走得更远,二者正式产业的主要增长点。
They selected 166 convenience foods for cost comparisons with home prepared counterparts.
But in our rushed, modern lifestyle we often rely on convenience foods and snacks which may be lacking in proper nutrition.
Convenience foods let you spend more quality time with your family.
We eat too little fresh food, relying instead on convenience foods.
If you live a fast, hectic life and you eat mostly ready-made convenience foods, try to consider some other alternatives.
To conclude this discussion of convenience foods, two points can be made.
It's a good buy, particularly if you frequently heat convenience foods.
Like working women anywhere, Asian women are buying convenience foods.
They reported that quality-wise, the convenience foods did not differ significantly from the home-prepared items.
- convenience sample
- convenience sampling