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词汇 continuous flow
释义 continuous flow
continuous flow发音



continuous wave───[电磁]连续波;等幅波



continuous miner───[矿业]连续采煤机;采煤联合机

continuous waves───[电磁]连续波;等幅波

continuous function───[数]连续函数;连续功能



continuous process───[力]连续过程;连续法;连续加工


Better process control — they keep continuous flow while limiting wip.───更优的工序控制——在限制在制品数量的同时保持连续流通。

Meditation is a continuous flow of perception or thought, like flow of water in a river.───冥想是一种思想和知识的延续, 就像连绵不断的江河中的水波.

It is the waterfall that interrupts violently the peaceful continuous flow of the river's water.───它就像一道从天而降的瀑布,猛烈地阻隔河流中正常连续流动的水流.

Applying a semi - continuous flow system along with a catalyst accelerated the depolymerisation process.───可以使用半连续流系统,外加催化剂辅助来达到加速聚合过程的目的.

It is only where rainfall is continued that continuous flow systems develop.───只有在连续降雨的情况下,水的连续流动体系才会得以发展.

Figure 1 : Continuous flow lines in highly stressed crotch area.───图 1: 高应力弯钩区域的连续流径线.

We increase return on investment by making continuous flow of value our focus.───我们通过制造所关注的价值的连续的流来增加投资回报.

Continuous flow chemistry is valuable for improving product quality and yield.───连续流化学对提高产品质量和产量都是很有价值的.

In this paper a continuous flow vapour system hydride generation - atomic absorption spectrophotometry was applied.───本文应用连续蒸汽产生系统的氢化 - 原子吸收法,以王水溶解试样,加硫酸驱除过量硝酸.

Combined with the parameters determined by experiment, internal recycling continuous flow reactor for coalescence was designed.───结合试验确定的参数, 设计了内循环连续流粗粒化反应器.

Continuous flow processing eliminates the stops and starts that are common in a traditional production system.───连续流避免了传统生产方式下的周期性批量生产方式,即生产一批停下再生产下一批.

The continuous flow of the brook formed a ravine.───溪水不断流经之处成为峡谷.

From the wort holding tank onwards there is a continuous flow through the boiling section.───从麦汁暂存罐向前,贯穿煮沸阶段的是连续流体.

Maximum continuous flow based on pipe line velocity of 20 ft . per second.───最大持续流量以管路流速每秒20英尺为计算基础.

Continuous flow produces items within a process without stagnation matching takt time.───连续流通与节拍时间相匹配,无停滞地在工序中生产部件。

He thought consciousness is continuous flow of human psychology is indivisible role.───他认为意识是连续不断流动的,人的心理是作为不可分割的整体发挥作用的.

Movements should be in continuous flow and not automatic.───运动应在连续流动,而不是自动的.

Continuous Flow: It notifies needs of production before the store runs out of stock.───连续流通:它会在仓库耗尽库存之前通知生产的需求。


The system provides a continuous flow of information to the market.

We hoped for a continuous flow of information and exchange of art and culture between the two countries.

He thought consciousness is continuous flow of human psychology is indivisible role.

The continuous flow of the brook formed a ravine.

Movements should be in continuous flow and not automatic.

In continuous flow analyzers, all Specimens flow through the Same tubing.

From the holding silo grain passes over the continuous flow drier and any overflow travels back to the holding silos.

Hence, carry-over or cross-contamination can occur in continuous flow analyzers if suitable precautions are not taken.

The run-on lines create a continuous flow capturing the rush of Bedivere.





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