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词汇 contagious disease
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Economo's disease───[内科]埃科诺莫氏病;昏睡性脑炎

collagen disease───胶原病

contagious magics───传染魔法


infectious disease───传染病

Huntington's disease───亨廷顿氏舞蹈病

Huntingtons diseases───亨廷顿病

Ebola virus disease───埃博拉出血热

infectious diseases───传染性疾病;传染病学


For many years, Pasteur thought that pebrine was not a contagious disease.───多年来,巴斯德一直认为微粒子病不是一种传染性疾病。

law ought to cover animal population control and responsible pet ownership, which means people should vaccinate their animals from rabies and other contagious disease.───法律应该涵盖动物数量控制和宠物主人责任等方面的内容,这意味着人们应该为动物接种疫苗以防止狂犬病和其他传染性疾病。

Without involving rural communities, the government will not be able to control this highly contagious disease, which is endemic throughout most parts of the country.───如果没有农村社区的参与,政府将不可能控制这一在全国大部分地区流行的高度传染性疫病。

In the spread of any contagious disease, each act of infection has two parties, one who already has the disease and one who does not.───在任何接触性传染病的传播中,每一次传染都涉及两类人,一类是已患病者,一类是未患病者。

Instead , it has enabled America's failures to spread around the world, like a contagious disease .───全球一体化本应有助于分散风险,结果反而让美国的失败像一场瘟疫蔓延到全世界。

a person recently exposed to a contagious disease , usually through close association with an infected individual.───通常由于与患者有密切来往而在近期内可能被染上传染病的人。

Panleukopenia, a highly contagious disease, can cause retinal dysplasia and eye lesions which can be managed with oral antibiotics.───泛白细胞减少症,一种高度传染性疾病,可引起视网膜病变和眼发育不良,可与口服抗生素管理。

Guests with open wounds, sores, venereal disease or evidence of a contagious disease are not allowed in pools.───带有伤口患有皮肤病传染病或者性病者不得使用游泳池及温泉池。

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is an acute contagious disease of cloven -hoofed animals, and can cause severe economic loss.───口蹄疫是一种急性的偶蹄类动物传染病,可造成严重的经济损失。


Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease.

Like the contagious diseases defeat, Simon's resignation was received as a serious blow by the medical profession.

Infected or contaminated with a contagious disease.

Scarlet fever is a contagious disease.

The hepatitis is a contagious disease.

Each hospital that took patients with contagious diseases established quarantine periods. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

A dangerous contagious disease or other serious illness?

People with contagious diseases should be isolated.

  • contagious laughter
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