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词汇 contact number
释义 contact number
contact number发音



contact numbers───联系电话

abstract number───[数]抽象数;[数]不名数

concrete number───[数]名数

counting number───自然数;计数(counting是count的现在分词)

certain number───一定数量

cetane number───十六烷值增进剂

contact men───连络人

contact paper───[感光]接触印相纸

contact tracer───接触示踪剂


Do you a contact number ? What's your mobile number?───你有联系方式 吗 ?你的手机号码是 多少 ?

Please put your contact number here.───请在这里写下你的联络电话。

Do you have a contact number that I can phone you at?───你有个我能找到你的联络电话 吗 ?

Personal information includes name, school, contact number, address and YFS ID ( if any ).───个人资料包括:姓名 、 学校 、 联络方法 、 地址、会员编号 ( 如有 ).

A Do you have a contact number?───A你有联系号码吗?

May I have your name and contact number, Sir?───先生,可否告知我你的名字及联络电话号码?

Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 21234567.───我叫约翰逊, 我的联系电话是 28765432,公司电话号码是21234567.

May I have your contact number , please?───请告诉我您的联系号码?

A Do you have a contact number? What's your mobile number?───A你有联系号码 吗 ?你的手机号码是 多少 ?

Do you have a contact number?───你有联系号码 吗 ?

Johnson, my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 2134567.───我叫约翰逊, 我的联系电话是28765432,而公司缁昂怕胧?1234567.

DIANE And your contact number?───年的联系电话?

Always leave a contact number and an address just in case.───为防万一,任何时候都要留下联系电话和地址.

May I have your name contact number, Sir?───先生,可否告知我你的名字及联络电话号码?

Johnson, and my contact number is 28765432 . My office number is 2134567.───我叫约翰逊, 我的联系电话是 28765432,而公司电话号码是21234567.


Prepare a two-line biography detailing your skills with a contact number.

Here's my contact number while I'm away.

Should the census taker come when you are away from your home, they will leave a contact number.

Always leave a contact number and an address just in case.

Please fill in the delivery information such as consignee name, location, details of the delivery address, postal code and contact number.

Frequently there is no contact number, so even if we like the music, we can't do much about it.

If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.

Did Mr. Warren leave a contact number?

  • contacting information
  • contact spring
  • contact me by
  • contact the white house
  • contact lense
  • contact details
  • contactless payment
  • contact management
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