

词汇 construction sector
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construction sector发音



construction site───建筑工地;施工场地

construction sites───建筑工地

construction boom───建筑业的急速发展;建筑业的繁荣;建筑热潮;建设热潮

construction job───施工作业

construction paper───图画用纸;建筑用纸;[纸]工作用纸

construction worker───n.建筑工人



reconstruction effort───重建工作


China's credit tightening and a slowdown in the construction sector prompted some Chinese steel mills to cut steel production last month.───中国信贷紧缩和建筑业放缓导致国内某些钢厂在上月减产。

Britain has fared better because its tight planning laws limited the growth of its construction sector during the global housing boom.───英国由于在全球房地产火爆之时严格实施法律限制建设部门的增长所以表现稍好。

It also helps that the move comes just ahead of a traditionally strong season for the construction sector.───新的政策在建筑业通常的旺季之前出台,也是有好处的。

After health, environmental construction sector revealed that the material is as high as 68% gas pollution directly hurt consumer health.───经卫生、建筑环保部门抽查发现,有毒气污染的材料高达68%,直接伤害了消费者的身体健康。

Workers at thousands of smaller companies in the construction sector are also feeling the pinch.───在建筑业的成千上万的中小企业,工人们也正感受到压力。

Fears for the construction sector, and hence steel demand, prompted a significant drop in iron ore prices during October.───对建筑业、进而对钢铁需求的担忧,引起铁矿石价格在10月份大幅下跌。


Industry officials said the development could result in the creation of 300, 000 jobs, mostly in the construction sector.

The infrastructure projects unveiled yesterday were not unexpected, but will give a welcome fillip to the construction sector.

Madrid: The construction sector showed the biggest losses as the index slipped 1.31 to 323.31.

The Gold Award of the Construction Sector went to Gammon Skanska Ltd.

  • constructional fraud
  • constructionist research
  • constructional play
  • construction holiday cards
  • construction boom
  • constructionist approach
  • constructions signs
  • construction loan
  • constructions geometry




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