

词汇 口语回家用英语怎么说
释义 口语回家用英语怎么说

Speaking home


口语───oral language;回家───get home


language of broadcast television approaches daily oral language to a large extent, positioning in a form of "speaking".───广播电视语言在很大程度上接近日常口语,应定位于“说话”的形式上。

Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side.───绘图文字和口头语言很可能是并驾齐驱发展起来的.

As with any oral language, everything begins with listening.───对于任何一种口语来说, 一切都是从听开始.

It is oral language translated into a permanent and at times a more structured form.───它实际上就是一种被译成永久性的,更多情况下是一种结构化的形式的口头语言.

Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.───将会特别强调口语训练。

Lecture language is a language variety between written language and oral language.───讲演体是介于日常口语与书面语之间的一种语言变体。

This approach to oral language assessment has been criticized by linguists on a number of grounds.───这种口语测验的方式已遭语言学家以多种理由批评.

There are those who think that in this respect picture language preceded oral language.───也有一些人,他们认为在这方面是先有绘图文字后有口头语言.


Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.

Education in oral language is context-based and imitative.

The language in the samples contains syntactic patterns and inter-sentence relationships not found in oral language.

Written forms, they argue, enable the user to differentiate such functions in a way less possible in oral language.

Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side.

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