

词汇 compensation claims
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compensation awards───赔偿金

compensation balances───补偿平衡;补偿存款余额

compensation cultures───补偿文化

compensation packages───赔偿计划;薪酬包

compensation balance───补偿平衡;补偿存款余额

compensation culture───薪酬文化

compensation award───赔偿金

compensation orders───补偿令;赔偿令

compensation point───[植]补偿点


BP's bill so far has been more than $3.1bn - and it has agreed to set up a $20bn fund to deal with compensation claims and clean-up costs.───目前,英国石油公司的花费已经超过三十一亿元,并且同意建立一项超过两百亿元的赔偿基金,以处理索赔和清理费用。

rejected their appeal by claiming "China has given up war compensation claims by individuals against Japan in the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement".───称“原告即使有赔偿请求权,也超过了时限”,二审认为“中国在《日中联合声明》中放弃了个人赔偿请求权,因此原告失去了索赔权”。

But doing so would set off a string of compensation claims, which the courts are not yet equipped to assess.───然而这种做法会掀起一连串赔偿要求,而法院并未准备好评估。

It is responsible for cleaning up the damage and for meeting fair compensation claims , as it has readily conceded .───它有责任收拾残局,并满足合理的赔偿要求,而它也毫不犹豫地同意这样做。

A spokesman from the German Finance Ministry tells TIME that the German government is considering whether to lodge compensation claims.───来自德国财政部发言人显示时间,德国政府正在考虑是否要提出赔偿要求。

Compensation claims for loss of or damage to property resulting from tortious act in the course of the operation of the ship.───船舶在营运中因侵权行为产生的财产赔偿请求。

Every Australian state government has issued an apology and no compensation claims have yet been lodged.───每一届澳洲政府都对这一事件表示歉意,但赔偿事宜从未落实。

Gordon Brown has confirmed the UK will support compensation claims being made against Libya by IRA victims' families.───戈登布朗证实,英国将会支持爱尔兰共和军受害者的家属制定的反对利比亚的赔偿声明。


After settling compensation claims with the proceeds of the securities clearing fund, the securities registrar and clearance institution shall seek recovery from the relevant liable persons.

To address the massive costs of repairing the nuclear plants and paying compensation claims, he said, the company plans a restructuring that includes cutting executive salaries.

We are also pleased that the guidance removes existing doubt for local authorities regarding the possibility of compensation claims in such cases.

It rejected their appeal by claiming "China has given up war compensation claims by individuals against Japan in the Sino-Japanese Joint Statement".

Absenteeism and workers' compensation claims have fallen sharply.

Montana is one of a number of once highly paid athletes who have filed workers' compensation claims in California.

Samples relating to compensation claims or rejected goods shall be kept until the case is closed.

Howard rejected an apology because the removal of aboriginal children between the 1870s and 1960s was done by past governments and could open the door to expensive compensation claims.

They've paid out $30,000 in worker's compensation claims.

  • compensation definition
  • compensation review
  • compensation claims
  • compensation trade




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