Uncle and aunt are making dumplings
Copy your aunt and you won't go wrong.───向你姑妈学,你就不会办错事.
The little girl found her way into her Aunt Alison's home all by herself.───那个小女孩独自一个人摸到了艾莉森姑妈家.
Aunt Mary's a real conservative. She's totally opposed to women going out to work.───玛丽姑妈是一个极守旧的人, 她根本就反对女人外出工作.
He found he had struck it rich when he unexpectedly inherited some money from his aunt.───当他意外地从他姑妈那儿继承了一大笔钱时,他发现自己已经发大财了.
"What are you doing for Christmas?" Ella asked. "We're going to Aunt Molly's."───“圣诞节你打算做什么?”埃拉问到。“我们打算去莫莉姨妈家。”
He lives with an aunt who keeps house for him.───他和一位帮他料理家务的姑妈住在一起。
It was a present from Aunt Vera.───这是薇拉姑妈送的礼物。
He was brought up by his aunt.───他是由姨妈带大的。
Aunt Emilie darned old socks.───埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。
Was Aunt Sarah asked after?───向萨拉婶婶问好了 吗 ?
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- great aunt
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- an agony aunt
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