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词汇 commuter trains
释义 commuter trains
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commuter train───市郊往返列车

commuter towns───通勤城镇

charter trains───包车

commuter line───通勤线

commuter lines───通勤线

commuter town───卧城

computer terminals───电脑终端机

computer terminal───计算机终端

camel trains───骆驼队


Even now Berlin’s commuter trains cannot exceed 60kph (40mph) because of winter maintenance problems.───由于冬季铁路维护方面的问题,即使是现在柏林市郊往返列车的时速都无法超过60千米/小时(40英里/小时)。

Cubicles, hallways, elevators, bathrooms — even commuter trains — are not your private domain.───小隔间、走廊、电梯、浴室——甚至市郊火车——不是你的私人领地。

You have to: Detroit has no commuter trains, no subway, metro or underground.───你必须这么做,因为底特律既没有火车,也没有地铁。

Two packed commuter trains have crashed head-on outside Brussels, killing at least 18 people and injuring many others.───在比利时首都布鲁塞尔郊外,两辆载满乘客的通勤列车迎头相撞,导致至少18人丧生,多人受伤。

You probably missed The New York Times photograph that showed a revealing picture of New Yorkers' rides into work on commuter trains.───不久前,纽约时报刊登的一张照片,上面展示的是纽约人乘坐通勤火车的图景。

At 6 p. m. , even access to subway and commuter trains at what is one of the biggest stations in the capital was closed.───下午6时,即使访问是在首都最大的车站之一被关闭的地铁和通勤列车。

Al Qaeda and other terror groups have long aspired to blow up commuter trains and subways in the U. S.───基地组织和其他恐怖团伙早就渴望对美国的市郊火车和地铁实施爆炸袭击。


Caltrain runs commuter trains to both destinations and to other Silicon Valley cities, culminating in San Francisco.

Caltrain runs commuter trains to San Jose.

Each region has one organization controlling buses and operating its commuter trains.

Priority projects are double-decker commuter trains and more money for the West Coast line.

  • commuter bikes
  • commuter check
  • commuter lines
  • commuter trains




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