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词汇 all or nothing
释义 all or nothing
all or nothing发音





not for nothing───有原因

for nothing───免费;徒然

stop at nothing───不惜一切代价;毫无顾忌

have got nothing on───什么都没穿


it's nothing───小事情


or anything───或者别的什么


This is one of those all - or - nothing moves whose effect is impossible to forecast.───这是一笔全有或全无的交易,因为效果总是难以预测.

The all - or - nothing approach to Copenhagen, however carries its own dangers.───然而,对待哥本哈根会议持以“宁为玉碎 、 不为瓦全”的态度,本身也有风险.

But I loathe this term and want all or nothing.───但是我厌恶这个术语,要么获得一切,要么一切都不要.

Such extreme all - or - nothing outcomes are far less common in the vampire and wizard canons.───这种极端的要么全有要么全无的结局,远不及吸血鬼和男巫类作品那样平易.

The good news is this isn't all - or - nothing.───幸运的是,这并不是 “ 全有或全无”的事情.

This is not an all - or - nothing attack.───这不是攻击就是全部.

He wants an all - or - nothing answer.───他要Yes或No的回答.

Perhaps that's stupid, but that's the way I am: all or nothing.───或许那是愚蠢的, 但这是我的为人之道: 要么拥有一切,要么一无所有.

Mike would not accept just part of the money. it was all or nothing.───迈克不会那这笔钱的一部分的, 要不全拿,要不不拿.

Don't Think "All or Nothing".───不要考虑“全部或一无所有”。

Either he went through with this thing or he did not; it was all or nothing.───他要么把这件事做完,要么就不做,只有这两种选择。

Supposedly it is all or nothing.───假设要么获得全部要么一无所获.

Soar over your home planet at low altitudes, fighting the enemy in an all - or - nothing battle.───低空滑翔穿越您的星球, 在极端的战场里和敌人作战.

Economic decisions are only rarely of an all - or - nothing nature.───经济决策很少属于要么肯定一切,要么否定一切的性质.

All - or - Nothing Assignment does not require any settings.───全有全无分配法不需要任何的设置.

As an all - or - nothing person , I don't find this appealing.───我的个性是做事要么干脆不做, 要做就要善始善终,故而并不喜欢这种建议.

Installing a TL is an "all or nothing" operation.───安装一个TL是一个“全或无”的操作。


Yeah, it's all or nothing.

It's all or nothing with her.

All or nothing, now or never.

She either loves you or hates you - it's all or nothing with her.

I know how you feel, they're all or nothing.

It's all or nothing and being strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.

The deal is all or nothing.

all or nothing, now or never .

It's all or nothing if we don't score now we've lost the match.

  • all possessive pronouns adjectives
  • allness define
  • allegorical element
  • all look great
  • all turn on
  • all is not lost
  • all my friend
  • allotted to
  • allonge toi
  • all me
  • allaying worries
  • all star
  • alluding to
  • all for one
  • alleging infringement
  • all share play
  • all at all
  • all in game
  • all is on time
  • all live
  • all out




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