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词汇 comings and goings
释义 comings and goings
comings and goings发音



savings and loans───储蓄与贷款

wing and wings───翅膀和翅膀

coming along───升;遂

savings and loan───储蓄与贷款

Highland flings───苏格兰高地舞

coming across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

coming around───来;苏醒,恢复知觉

coming down───回到凡间(歌曲名)

coming in for───受到;接受;得到


Mary knows all the comings and goings in the neighbourhood.───玛丽了解邻里的各种事情.

We saw the comings and goings of the visitors from our window.───从我们的窗户,我们可以看到进进出出的来访者.

With all the comings and goings I haven't been able to do any work at all.───有这么多人来来往往,我根本不能工作.

I don't mind the children's comings and goings.───我并不介意孩子们进进出出。

They noted the comings and goings of the journalists.───他们注意到了记者们的进进出出。

So it is right that the comings and goings of bank bosses attract lots of attention.───由此,公众对于银行老总级别的人事变动颇为关注也是毋庸置疑的.

We saw the comings and goings of the visitors to the factory from our office building.───从办公大楼我们看到来厂访问的客人进进出出.

We saw the comings and goings of the visitors from our bedroom window.───我们透过卧室的窗户看见客人们进进出出.

Naturally these comings and goings excited some curiosity.───这些来来往往自然会引发一些好奇心。

hard to keep track of the children's comings and goings.───这些孩子来来往往,很难跟得上他们的行踪。

Naturally these comings and goings excited some curiosity.───所发生的这些事自然激起了某种好奇。

The comings and goings of his girlfriends were inevitably well catalogued by the press.───他同女朋友交往的事,报界是不会放过的.

Lewis had offices in Zurich and London, and his comings and goings were casual.───刘易斯在苏黎世和伦敦都设有办事处, 来来往往是家常便饭.

I was comfortable just sitting in the car checking out the comings and goings of everyone.───坐在车里看着来来往往的行人,我感觉很惬意.

They noted the comings and goings of the journalists.───他们注意到很多记者进进出出。

I slept fitfully but well enough, disturbed only by the comings and goings of my companions.───被同事来来往往的声音所打扰,我睡觉总是断断续续的,不过也算是足够了.

We watched the comings and goings of the guests from our bedroom window.───我们从卧室窗口看着客人们进进出出.

Did you paid any attention to their comings and goings?───你对他们的来踪去迹注意到了 吗 ?


They noted the comings and goings of the journalists.

Naturally these comings and goings excited some curiosity.

It's hard to keep track of the children's comings and goings.

We observe its regularities, its comings and goings through and in ourselves, yet we are unable to stand apart.

I don't mind the children's comings and goings.

She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe.

We saw the comings and goings of the visitors to the factory from our office building.

This did not interrupt his comings and goings with her.

We saw the comings and goings of the visitors from our window.





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