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comic book───连环漫画册

comic turn───滑稽的翻转

coming on───v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生

crim con───犯罪

comic books───漫画书;连环画

coming down───回到凡间(歌曲名)

coming upon───偶遇,邂逅;要求;成为...的负担;突然产生

economic cost───[会计]经济成本

economic zone───经济特区;经济圈;经济地带


you excited about Comic Con tomorrow?───你对明天的动漫节很期待吧?

many of the complaints have been aired at Comic-Con, an annual geeks’ convention in San Diego that has become increasingly important as a marketing convention for Hollywood.───其中的许多指责直指动漫节,一年一度在圣地亚哥举行的电脑高手的大会对好莱坞来说已经成为很重要的市场营销大会。

make-up artist works on a man's face, turning him into a scary character for the watching crowd, while attending the 40th annual Comic con conference in San Diego.───在圣地亚哥会展中心举行的第40届漫画节会展上,化妆艺术家正在给一位男子的脸乔装打扮,让他在观看的人群面前展现出一个疯狂的样子。

Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that. . . I also bet there will be a lot of Scott Pilgrim costumes at Comic-Con.───塞拉:你也知道,尼克肯定会爱死这则消息的……我打赌今年的动漫大会上肯定有很多人装扮成斯科特的模样。

Even before Comic-Con the astute media analyst Richard Greenfield was trying to interrupt Hollywood's 3-D dreams.───甚至在漫画博览会前,眼光敏锐的媒体分析师理查德•格林菲尔德(RichardGreenfield)企图打断好莱坞的3-D梦。

Some of the footage to be shown Friday was previously screened at Comic-Con, the annual pop-culture convention in San Diego, last month.───一些画面曾在之前的漫画节上上映,(漫画节是每年的流行文化大会),上个月在圣地亚哥。

It's like the whole country is one endless Comic-Con, except everybody's wearing the same costume: Indian Guy. Dr. Koothrappali, I'm not.───整个印度就像一个永无休止的动漫展,只不过每个人都打扮成一样的人物:,印度人。博士,我不是…

Fans will get a first look at the all new TRON: Legacy-inspired toys and electronics at San Diego Comic Con next month.───球迷将获得一个在所有新的TRON先看看:传统风格的玩具和电子产品圣地亚哥动漫展下月。

An attendee at Comic-Con International in San Diego shows off his Capt. America costume.───在圣地亚哥国际动漫博览会上一名嘉宾卖弄着他的美军上尉服装。

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