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词汇 come out on top
释义 come out on top
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[体]名列前茅; 大有成就



come on to───开始;兴盛;对…轻薄,吃豆腐

come out for───赞同;表示支持;出去

come out in───部分皮肤发出红斑、丘疹等

come out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场

comes on to───开始;兴盛;对…轻薄,吃豆腐

to put on to───穿上

came on to───开始;兴盛;对…轻薄,吃豆腐

came out in───部分皮肤发出红斑、丘疹等

came out with───说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场


The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach.───脱颖而出的唯一途径就是采用一种不同的方法。

Here are some effective pointers to help you come out on top in the negotiation process.───这里有一些有效的指示,可以让你成为顶尖谈判高手.

I'll beat everyone and come out on top.───我将胜过所有的人,出人头地.

Even in the little things, they come out on top.───即使是最小的细节, 他们也要做到最好.

In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top.───在大多数董事会议的辩论中,他往往占据上风。

It will be a good footballing game but hopefully we come out on top and get all three points.───这将是一场精彩的足球比赛,但我们还是更可能赢得比赛,全取三分。

Still, if Yahoo and AOL were to partner in some way, Armstrong could come out on top.───但如果雅虎与美国在线能够在某些方面达成合作,或许阿姆斯特朗将有可能执掌雅虎。

Tim, a classic poor loser, always has to come out on top.───蒂姆这个可怜的常败将军总是在最后才会赢.

Give us another day, we could probably come out on top.───如果给我们另外一天, 或许就能得出我们登顶的结论.

" We've come out on top! "───“ 现在是我们胜了!

Spotting who will come out on top in all this is not easy.───很难断定谁会在这轮竞争中脱颖而出.

Zanjia aging of the Changbai Mountain ginseng wine is come out on top.───咱家陈酿的长白山人参老酒更是独占鳌头.

Then again , the public might come out on top if those distressed assets recover.───然后, 如果这些不良资产起死回生,公众也将受益.

However, the history score can come out on top in our class.───不过, 历史成绩可在我们班独占鳌头.

Which of the contenders will come out on top in the power struggle?───哪位角逐者将在这场权力争夺战中获胜 呢 ?


The leading two mile chasers had clashed on six previous occasions and each time Katabatic had come out on top.

The hero or heroine must ultimately come out on top.

If it were, I have a hunch that Fox would come out on top.

It's difficult to predict who will come out on top.

Anthony Courtney's warnings welled up again, coupled with a new determination to come out on top.

He had come out on top in the game of musical chairs by which senior posts seemed to be filled.

In most boardroom disputes he tends to come out on top.

Both individuals should feel they come out on top.

The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach.

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  • come on to




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