to compress───压缩
to decompress───减压
bald cypress───美国水松
cold colors───冷染染料;冷色
cold comforts───无用安慰;不起作用的安慰
cold sores───唇疱疹;唇泡疹;感冒疮
to recompress───重新压缩
A : Wait; let me put cold compress on it.───等一下, 让我给你冷敷一下.
Hot packs and cold compress es ease symptoms.───热敷与冷敷都可以缓解症状。
A cold compress often alleviates pain.───冷敷常会减轻疼痛。
compress could resolve the swelling due to extravasation rapidly, effectively and safely.───冷敷能快速、有效、安全地消除静脉外渗性肿胀。
I shall apply a cold compress to his sprained ankle.───我要给扭伤的脚脖子冷敷.
My hands hurt . Could you put ice - cakes into the bags and give my hands cold compress?───我的手受伤了,你可否将冰块装在袋子里,让我敷一下.
Apply a cold compress to the injury.
He found her lying with a cold compress on her forehead, the pupils of her eyes strangely dilated.
For a cold compress, use exactly the same method, but with icy cold water.
A cold compress can alleviate your pain.
- cold call
- cold-blooded means
- cold here
- cold packs
- cold spell
- cold caller
- coldest winter
- cold sweat
- coldness of the letter
- cold rose
- cold beach
- cold beef
- cold short film
- cold and dry
- cold sea
- cold-blooded define
- coldish definition
- cold callers
- cold look
- cold snap
- cold as hell