Do your homework first and watch TV
Family planning remains a basic state policy for China.───计划生育是中国的基本国策.
He delights to talk about his family in the office.───他喜欢在办公室谈论他家里的事.
Their family has a plentiful harvest this year.───他们家今年又丰收了.
He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family.───他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机抱有怀疑态度.
He has a large family.───他孩子众多.
He wished to be remembered to you and your family.───他要我向你和家里人问好.
Aside from a thorough medical family history, there is no need to offer any genetic testing on the basis of consanguinity alone.───除了需要一份详尽的家庭病史之外, 没有必要仅根据有血缘关系这一条理由就进行任何的基因测试.
The whole family seemed cursed.───全家人仿佛都受到诅咒遭了殃。
We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years.───表面上道貌岸然的人或有声望的家庭,却有着骇人听闻,多年不让人知道的秘密,这样的事情我们经常在小说里读到.
I'm the first in my family to go to university.───我是我们家第一个大学生.
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