He stole a shrimp from a chicken
The chick will soon feather out.───这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。
Watch a Chick Flick [ for girls ]. Watch an action movie [ for guys ].───看一场娘儿们片 [ 给姑娘们看的 ]. 看一场动作片 [ 给小伙子们看的 ].
Snuggled safely on its mother's feet, a newborn penguin chick peers out at the camera.───一只新生的小企鹅抬起头来看着我们的镜头,仅仅依偎着它的妈妈.
Who'd thought my first one would be from a chick instead of a hunk, not me.───哎哎,我的第一块钱可是给了她的.我好冤枉啊. 嘿嘿.
Defrost a frozen chick in hot water & dry it out with kitchen towel.───用热水把冰鸡肉解冻, 并 用餐巾纸吸干水分.
A : So , I heard you went out with that chick last night.───我听说你昨晚跟那个漂亮小妞出去了.
The chick initially has no fear of man.───小鸡天生并不怕人。
That chick pecks out an earthworm from the earth.
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- crispy baked chicken wings
- boneless chicken breast recipes
- chickabiddy in walk two moons
- chicken fly
- chicken meet
- be chicken
- chickadee bird feeder
- play chicken
- curried chickpeas
- chicken do