

词汇 你觉得谈话节目怎么样用英语怎么说
释义 你觉得谈话节目怎么样用英语怎么说

What do you think of the talk show




Keep the conversation off linguistic matters.───避谈语言学问题。

I heard snatches of the conversation.───我听到几段零星的谈话。

They can't believe you can even hold a conversation.───他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。

Her conversation was salted with wit.───她的话妙趣横生.

I only caught the fag end of their conversation.───我仅听到他们谈话的结尾。

The weather is a stock topic of conversation.───天气是老一套的话题.

She was engrossed in conversation.───她聚精会神地谈话。

I hate having to make polite conversation.───我很讨厌不得不说些应酬话。

The conversation slows down the action of the play.───这些对话使剧情进展有所减缓.

She steered the conversation to more general topics.───她把谈话引向更为一般性的话题.


Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.

Derek's terse reply ended the conversation.

Clare and Phil were deeply immersed in conversation.

By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it.

Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.

Clearly she had no wish for conversation.

Anna felt shut out of the conversation.

He drags his war stories into every conversation.

Conversation makes one what he is.

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  • mastering the art of conversation
  • conversationist or conversationalist
  • admonishing conversation
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