

词汇 你和你妈妈中间那个女孩是谁用英语怎么说
释义 你和你妈妈中间那个女孩是谁用英语怎么说

Who is the girl between you and your mother


妈妈───mom;那个女孩───That girl


My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom.───我妈妈充当了泽尔达和她妈妈之间的调解人。

When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me.───我还是个孩子的时候常常干那种事,每次妈妈总是打我的屁股。

Your mom said something about paying a finder's fee?───你妈妈有没有解释什么是中介费?

Mom has just bought a very beautiful yellow apron.───妈妈新买了一条黄色的围腰,很漂亮.

Are you listening, Mom?───妈,你在听吗?

No, I hid under my bed for a week after mom read me that story.───不, 自从我妈给我读了这个故事后我在床下面躲了一个星期.

"Mom," she intoned, elongating the word.───“妈妈,”她拖长了声音,平静地说道。

you listening, Mom?───妈,你在听吗?


Mom, can I go over to Lisa's house?

She lives with her mom and dad.

Aw, gee, Mom, do we have to go?

Your mom showed me ur baby pictures.

We sneaked out while Jessie's mom wasn't looking.

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