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词汇 clean out
释义 clean out
clean out发音

打扫; 离开; 肃清; <非正>使…失去钱财



clean outs───清除,打扫干净

cleans out───清除,打扫干净


clear out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

cleaned out───清除,打扫干净

clear outs───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

clears out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

clean up───清理;大捞一笔;收割(游戏术语)



Mr. Wall asked if I would help him clean out the barrels.───沃尔先生问我能否帮他把桶彻底清扫了。

I asked the children to clean out their drawers.───我让孩子们把他们的抽屉收拾整齐.

Natalie busied herself trying to clean out his clogged tiny nose.───娜塔丽忙着把他阻塞的小鼻子弄干净.

Clean out the bathtub when you are done.───洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净.

I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.───我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封。

That killing yesterday has shaken the nerve clean out of them.───昨天的那场屠杀,叫他们全吓得失魂落魄啦.

I found that Miss Rachel had put the Diamond clean out of her head.───我看出雷茜儿小姐已经把脑子里一味想着的钻石,赶到九霄云外去了.

The fresh air will clean out those cobwebs in their heads.───新鲜空气能扫去他们满脑袋的蜘蛛网.

I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.───我清除掉了所有的油脂,以油替换,因此它在很低的温度下运转得更好。

I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.───我把所有的油脂清除干净,然后用油来代替,从而使它在低温条件下运转得更好。

Why dont you clean out your handbag?───你为何不把你的手提包清理干净 呢 ?

I've asked the children to clean out their drawers.───我已经让孩子们把他们的抽屉弄整齐.

Mr. Wall asked if I would help him clean out the bins.───沃尔先生问我能不能帮他把各个箱子彻底清理一遍。

You must clean out the remainder of Germany.───你们必须扫荡残余之德军.

We're clean out of food and drinks and the stores are shut.───我们的食品和饮料都已吃光了,而商店又关了门.

They made me clean out the latrines.───他们逼我打扫茅厕。

It went clean out of my head.───我把那件事忘得一干一净.

By the way, I'm going to clean out all the old files by tomorrow.───顺便说一下, 我将在明天把所有的旧文档都清理掉.


I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.

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  • cleanses meaning
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  • clean eating recipes
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  • clean house
  • cleaning agent
  • cleanliness is next to godliness
  • cleaning vinegar




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