Dr. Yu
余医生───dr. yu
published 46 papers and 8 patents, made 11 Invited Conference Presentations.───发表论文46篇,获授权专利8项,国际会议特邀报告11次。
Clear understanding of the AIDS problem will prevent us from the fight against AIDS - Dr. Yu said.───艾滋病问题认识不清,会阻碍我们抗击艾滋病——余博士如是说。
deposition, dictated by, read over, and then signed by Dr. Yu Tsun, former teacher ofEnglish at the Tsingtao Hochschule, casts unsuspected light upon this event.───青岛大学前英语教师余准博士的证言,经过记录、复述、由本人签名核实,却对这一事件提供了始料不及的说明。
Rev. Dr. Yu Chin Cheak, from Trinity Theological College, Singapore, was here to teach a week of intensive course.───余清杰博士(新加坡三一神学院)来到这里来教导一周的密集课程。
The Red Ribbon Centre Management Advisory Committee was re-convened and Dr. YU Chung-toi, Samuel succeeded to be the Chairman.───红丝带中心管理谘询委员会成员重组,并由俞宗岱博士接任为主席。
Dr. Yu addresses a report on the meeting of Key Lab Academic Commission, the Ministry of Education.───在教育部重点实验室学术委员会会议上做工作汇报。
Dr Yu : An effective landscape design is an economic (ecological) approach to solve the problems of the site.───俞孔坚:具有效率的的景观是能够解决场地实际问题的经济(也就是生态)的方案。
Dr Yamanaka used skin cells from the face, whereas Dr Yu plumped for ones from the foreskin.───Yamanaka博士使用了面部的皮肤细胞,Yu博士使用了包皮上的细胞组织。
"H. pylori is disappearing, and this is a fact that probably cannot be changed, " said Dr. Yu Chen, the lead author of the study.───“幽门螺旋杆菌正在减少,这是不可转变的事实,”于晨博士说,他是此项研究的主要发起人。
Dr. Yu a PhD degree in Analytical Chemistry from University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
- 余医生用英语怎么说