

词汇 伞降系统用英语怎么说
释义 伞降系统用英语怎么说

Parachute landing system


伞降───parachute landing;系统───system


Some of them train skills in air landing with a parachute, hovering on the stocks under the supervision of an officer.───一些军人在练习乘降落伞空降技能,在军官的监督下吊在设备上训练。

Ultimately, the company added a parachute as an emergency landing system.───最终,这家公司添加了一个降落伞作为紧急着陆系统。

better trained soldiers practise a parachute jump in a simulator which perfectly imitates the jump (especially the moment of leaving the aircraft and landing).───受过良好训练的战士在模拟装置上进行跳伞练习,完全模仿跳伞过程(尤其是脱离飞机并着陆的过程)。

Monkey with a parachute landing into a small island in a small island with a turtle, monkey want to catch this turtle.───猴子用降落伞降落到一座小岛上,在小岛上有一只乌龟,猴子想要抓到这只乌龟。

Navy planes guided the missile by radio control to its parachute landing in just 22 minutes.───海军出动飞机通过无线电对导弹制导,控制导弹于短短22分钟后降落着陆。

Because the novel is occurring in times of war, a late occurrence of air combat, a pilot with a parachute landing ground when dead.───因为这本小说是发生在战争时代,有一晚发生了空战,一个机师用降落伞降落地面时死了。


One day, a pilot was forced to bale out of a fighter plane over London and came down by parachute, landing in a crowded street.

  • 伞降系统用英语怎么说
  • parachute back to
  • parachute jump
  • parachute kids
  • parachute off
  • golden parachute
  • reefing parachute
  • parachute cord




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