

词汇 clamp down on
释义 clamp down on
clamp down on发音




clamp down (on)───夹紧(打开)

came down on───申斥;惩罚;索取

clamp down───取缔;施加压力,强行压制

clamp downs───取缔;施加压力,强行压制

come down on───申斥;惩罚;索取

bear down on───冲向;加压力于…,对(某人)施加压力;袭击

came down to───归根结底,可归结为;实质上是




Might it clamp down on this budding [ Polish ] Solidarity - style movement to protect the all - important export machine?───也许它会把这个 [ 波兰 ] 团结工会 式 的运动压制在萌芽状态,以保护至关重要的出口贸易机制?

Recently, decrees were issued to clamp down on terrorism.───近日颁布了打击恐怖主义的法令.

All opinions No About Technology ! Clamp down on illegal Discussion!───非技术讨论区,严禁非法讨论!

The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.───该市长在打击毒品的斗争中行动不力。

The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.───市长打击毒品的努力未见成效。

They clamp down on pickpockets.───他们严禁扒窃.

The police will clamp down on speeding starting next month.───警察将自下个月起加紧检肃超速.

From 2008, efforts accelerated to revive the public distribution system and clamp down on markets.───自2008年, 他们加快了如上行动,恢复了公有分配体制并取缔了市场.

After a few days, the fungus directs theinsect to clamp down on a leaf.───几天后,真菌指引蚂蚁紧紧咬住一片叶子上。

The team manager has been quick to clamp down on the merest hint of complacency.───球队主教练很快就消除了自满的小苗头。

Employers are being scrutinised more closely to clamp down on illegal hiring.───对雇主有更严格检查,以打击非法雇佣。


My father would clamp down on their education - their only means of freedom.

If we don't clamp down on these troublemakers now, the situation could get out of control.

The government intends to clamp down on drug smuggling.

The new government promised to clamp down on welfare scroungers.

The Government intends to clamp down on soccer hooliganism.

The police are going to clamp down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets.

The local council has pledged to clamp down on litter louts on the beach.

The team manager has been quick to clamp down on the merest hint of complacency.

Leaks from Clinton's team suggest Democrats may clamp down on the massive amounts executives can earn.

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  • clamping down
  • clamp back
  • clamping ring
  • clamps auto
  • clamp down on
  • clamps anime
  • clamper wire tool




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