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词汇 air road
释义 air road
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dirt road───泥土路

main road───大路;主干道

air raid───空袭

air wood───空气木

big road───大路

air drops───[航][军]空投

air frost───[气象]气霜


Also, pipeline transport and rail, air, road and sea, is a huge energy transport.───并且,管道运输与铁路、航空、公路、海运等一样,是个巨大的能源运输工具。

is happening in western China, which is being linked up by air, road and rail with booming Chongqing.───中国西部正是如此,通过航空、道路和铁路与蓬勃发展的重庆相连。

The NHTSA's exemptions mean the Transition can use the same tires it employed successfully during those 2009 air and road trials.───NHTSA给予的特别豁免意味着Transition可以使用在2009年应用成功的空陆两用轮胎。

The paper introduces the method of monitoring mercury by improving combustion zone and air road of atom absorption spectrophotometer.───利用原子吸收分光光度计上的燃烧头稍改进原子化和气路就可测定汞。

Air leak seriously influences coal face supersedure at second air road of Dongyi mining area.───东一采区二段风道小井漏风严重影响了采煤工作面的接续,制约采区巷道维修。

This is happening in western China, which is being linked up by air, road and rail with booming Chongqing.───中国西部地区就是这样,通过航空、公路和铁路与繁荣的重庆相连。

Define Transportation Mode; (Air, Road, Railway, Sea and Water)───定义危险品运输方式(空运,海运,公路,铁路,内河运输);

Multi-modal transport: air, road and sea transport link HKIA with Pearl River Delta and other regions of China───多式联运服务:海陆空交通连接香港国际机场与珠江三角洲及内地其它地区


Air leak seriously influences coal face supersedure at second air road of Dongyi mining area.

Passenger Dedicated Line(PDL) is a fast, safe, comfortable, low power, high-capacity new mode of transport, it break the competitive pattern among traditional air, road, rail transport modes.

The paper introduces the method of monitoring mercury by improving combustion zone and air road of atom absorption spectrophotometer.

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  • air passage
  • air hugs
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