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词汇 chasing away
释义 chasing away
chasing away发音



casting away───丢掉,浪费;使失事

blasting away───炸掉(炸毁)某物

chucking away───v.扔掉;浪费;失去

clearing away───清除;收拾;消失

carting away───推车离开

chase away───赶走;驱逐

chased away───赶走;驱逐

chases away───赶走

coming away───离开;脱落


I am also a good monkey bird chasing away, looking at my pocket reluctantly.───那只小猴还追我好远,望着我的口袋恋恋不舍的。

And chasing away the monkeys is also not an option because it may anger local residents.───而赶走猕猴也不是办法,因为这势必会触怒当地民众。

The brain, therefore, may be a good place to start chasing away this ghostly and debilitating sensation.───所以大脑可能是开始消除这种幽灵般的让人受尽折磨的感觉的好地方。

Males that stick close to females are savvy guards, chasing away other would-be suitors, claiming more mating opportunities for themselves.───那些靠近雌性的雄性是精明的保卫者,它们撵走其他可能追求其配偶的蟋蟀,使自己获得更多的交配机会。

The charged dust has created dramatic swirls, due to magnetic parts of the atmosphere chasing away or toward each other.───由于大气层中有磁性的成分相互排斥或者吸引,带点的尘埃造成了巨大的漩涡。

Arthur still sat glued to his perch, not even chasing away the turkey vultures that circled overhead.───亚瑟仍旧在那儿岿然不动,甚至连在头顶盘旋的兀鹰也毫无捕猎的兴趣。

The elephants were in the process of chasing away all the wildlife in the area from the watering hole.───这几只大象当时正驱赶着他们饮水处附近的所有其它野生动物。

The global credit meltdown and Shanghai's slowing economy are chasing away big-time renters from the world's second-tallest building.───由于席卷全球的信贷萧条,以及上海正在放慢的经济增长,那些赫赫有名的租用者正在撤离世界第二高楼。


Biff didn't seem unduly bothered; he was chasing away his hangover with stinging gulps from his flask.

  • chasing arome




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