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词汇 certain situations
释义 certain situations
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no-win situations───没有双赢的局面


context of situations───语言环境;情景上下文

current situation───现状,目前形势;现况

hostage situation───人质情况

no-win situation───无胜算

social situations───社会情境

win-win situation───双赢局面

worsening situation───形势恶化


You have got to buck up on certain situations and create your own destiny, which is up to each and every one of us.───在一些特定环境下,你要振作精神,创造属于你自己的命运,这对我们每个人都是受用的。

Well... only sometimes, and only in certain situations.───好吧…只在某些时侯,而且只在某些特定情况下。

It was standard procedure in certain situations.───在很多情况下,它都是标准的程序。

would obviously look to her as a First Lady to see exactly not just how to dress but how to hold yourself in certain situations. . .───会明显参考第一夫人,不仅去了解如何穿衣,而且了解如何在某些场合下保持自己的姿态…

Your performance is in general satisfactory, but in certain situations you do not necessarily do what you were actually planning to do.───尽管你的表现令人满意,但是在有些时候,你无法完成你本来计划要完成的事情。

With an extreme form of social anxiety called selective mutism, some kids and teens may be too anxious to talk at all in certain situations.───发展到社交恐惧症的极端形式——选择性不语症时,一些孩子和青少年在某些处境中可能紧张得根本说不出话来。

I'm sensitive, I feel certain situations more than the others, it is true, but I've found a strength inside me which I didn't know before.───我很敏感,我可以感到某种特殊的情况,这是真的,我发现我的身体里有一种我以前从未发觉的力量。

However, in certain situations, resignation may not be best the route at all - you may be better off waiting to be sacked.───然而,在某些情况下,辞职也许根本就不是办法——或许你最好是等着被开掉。

Helicopters will no longer fall down in certain situations.───直升机在某些场所下不再发生坠毁的情况。


Many people who support the First Amendment in principle want to restrict free speech in certain situations.

The profile: You only smoke in certain situations: at parties, at bars, at night, on the weekends. You're the tobacco equivalent of the social drinker.

Certain situations may be particularly worrying for nurses new to the surgical ward.

In certain situations , a launcher a menu might not show an icon.

Certain situations will now properly stop socialization and disallow asking other Sims to join.

In certain situations, donating your medical services could be considered a kickback.

In certain situations, the continuous emotional support may have a deeper therapeutic effect.

In certain situations, the non - sampling error even surpasses the sampling error to the sampling result influence.

In certain situations, they can result in a transaction spanning multiple synchronization domains—that is, they allow parallelism with another transaction, causing a deadlock condition.

  • certain ways
  • certainly will
  • certain way
  • certain level
  • certain numbers
  • certainly people do not seem
  • certainties of life




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