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词汇 cause damage to
释义 cause damage to
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cause damage───造成破坏

pay homage to───向…表示敬意

cause a rift───造成裂痕

cause alarm───引起警报

cause disease───导致疾病

cause dismay───使沮丧

cause distress───引起痛苦


Subject cylinders to mechanical shocks that may cause damage to their valves.───使钢瓶受到可能损坏阀门的机械震动.

Wild boar occasionally cause damage to farm crops in some remote areas.───在一些偏远地区偶尔会有野猪出没,对农作物造成损害.

The rush of serotonin may cause damage to the ends of axons.───狂泻而来的5—羟色胺可能引起轴突末端的损害.

Does the virus cause damage to the system?───病毒会对系统造成损害 吗 ?

Alcohol may cause damage to the liver.───酒精会损坏肝脏.

Some people worried that the rapid development of tourism might cause damage to the local environment.───有些人担心旅游业的迅速发展可能会破坏当地环境。

Teredo navalis is a type of boring animal that cause damage to underwater wooden structures.───船蛆是一种钻孔动物,危害水下的木质结构.

If you have a blown fuse, make sure you replace it with the exact same type that was in the monitor or you could cause damage to other circuits in the monitor.───如果保险丝发光,则一定要用同一个型号的保险丝来进行替换,不然就会对显示器中的其他电路造成破坏。

Somatic effects are those which cause damage to the individual.───躯体的影响是指对个人造成的损失.

The pipeline accident can cause damage to the people and equipments around.───油气管线失效事故会给周围人员和设备造成重大危害.

Intercept will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun.───即使目标免疫昏迷,拦截也会对其造成伤害.

Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.───树根会给大楼造成损害。

No small amount of training, but too much exercise will cause damage to body functions.───运动量过小无锻炼作用, 但过大的运动量会引起机体机能的破坏.

Scraping plate pressure will cause damage to the image, creating a get dirty and dot gain.───刮不朱板不不不张辛功不小也会败坏图像, 变成蹭脏和网不面扩不小.

Both conditions may cause damage to the anterior branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.───以上原因可造成喉返神经前枝之损伤,进而导致声带麻痹.

Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.───冰箭被认为有减速效果,对减速免疫的目标不会被冰箭影响,但仍然会造成伤害.

Warning! Do not use close to the ear! Misuse may cause damage to hearing.───警告! 不要靠近耳朵使用! 误用可能导致听力损坏.

Adults drink the milk powder containing melamine will not cause damage to the urinary system?───成人喝了含三聚氰胺奶粉会不会造成泌尿系统损害?


The research found that alpha rays may cause damage to cells which only becomes apparent much later when abnormal chromosomes appear.

Alcohol may cause damage to your liver.

Vibration can cause damage to products by abrasion, fatique and overstress and may contribute to early product failure during use.

CFCs cause damage to the ozone layer.

Conclusion Aminophylline aerosol can cause damage to airway mucosa, but its local inflammatory effect overthadows its anti inflammatory effect.

Intercept will now cause damage to targets that are immune to stun.

Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects.

But, the strict Anti-dilution Provision, may cause damage to the entrepreneur, and affect the interests of venture capital institutions.

Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.

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