

词汇 carry me
释义 carry me
carry me发音



carry on───继续;参与

carry over───..留到以后处理;继续存在

carry off───夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理

carry out───vt.执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成



early men───早期的人


Please carry me to another place.───请带我到另一个地方。

'll have to carry me out feet first!───想把我撵走,除非让我横着出去!

Perhaps the river will carry me to little Kay," said she; and then she grew less sad.───也许这条河可以把我送到小加伊那儿去,”她说;然后她变得不那么伤心了。

I tied myself strongly to it with my turban, in hopes that the roc next morning would carry me with her out of this desert island.───我把自己用我的头巾紧紧的绑在上面,希望若克第二天早上可以带我离开这个荒岛。

Robin Hood came up to him and said, "Carry me over the river, Friar, or else your life will be in danger. "───罗宾汉走过去说:“修士,你若要保命,就背我过河。”

A week later, I started to teach her to carry me.───一星期之后,我开始教她携带我。

Therefore he said to the driver of his chariot, "Turn around and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded. "───王对赶车的说:「我受了重伤,你转过车来,拉我出阵吧!」

Then try to lift me up, but no, I did not stand up on the straight Han Teng, he tried to carry me home.───然后试着扶我起来,可是不行,我还没站起来,就直喊疼,他又试着背我回家。

If I can get him to carry me to a new pond and put me in it, so much the better.───如果它能把我带到那个新池塘并放我进去,那再好不过了。


If you want me to leave this house, you'll have to carry me out feet first.

He had to half carry me into my apartment and put me to bed.

I ignored his command and took off after him, racing along as fast as my legs could carry me.

Well, if I did, I'd need to sell old Blazer and buy a shire horse to carry me!

He was coaxing me to walk a bit further without having to carry me, by promising that it was just a bit further.

My legs refused to carry me further.

Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin 'for to carry me home.

  • carry trade
  • carryall ih
  • carry zhe bag
  • carry thing
  • carry me
  • carrying away
  • carry you bag
  • carry away with
  • carry itmoye
  • carry into effect
  • carry off
  • carry it to the girl
  • carrying case
  • carry you fly
  • carrying on
  • carry a map
  • carry the can
  • carry her arm
  • carry light
  • carry cash
  • carry away with the idea




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