care worker───护理工
scrape together───东拼西凑
care giver───护理者
care home───护理中心;照护所
care homes───疗养院;护理院
care order───照管令
The less you care whether they hire you, the more likely they are to be interested in you.───她指出,“我并不在意学校里有没有学生”,但是“我觉得还是会有人喜欢去人多的地方学习”。
In his typically blunt way, he said he didn't care whether a soldier was straight, but whether he could shoot straight.───他以一贯直言不讳的方式指出,他不在乎某个士兵的性取向,他关心的是这个士兵能否把枪瞄得准。
If one of you doesn't care whether the relationship works, then get out now, so both of you can find somebody more suitable.───如果你们两方中的一方不在意这段感情是否能够继续,那么最好现在就分手,然后你们两方都可以去寻找更适合自己的另一半。
He did not care whether his name was on the right or left of the poster, and bigger or smaller than Steve McQueen's.───他并不在乎自己的名字是出现在海报的左边还是右边,是比斯蒂夫•麦奎恩的字体要大一些或是小一些。
Such people do not care whether their policies are in the interest of their countries or not, so long as they achieve their personal goals.───这样的人,只要能够达到他们的目的,是不会关心这些政策符合国家利益与否。
If you find it pretty easy to cheat in an exam, it only proves that the invigilator doesn't care whether you cheat.───如果你发现考试的时候作某场弊异常容易,只证明监考老师对你作不作弊毫不在意。
As if I care whether she's offended!───我才不在乎她是否被冒犯了呢!
At first I really didn't care whether he came or not.
I don't care whether it rains, I am happy.
She did not care whether he followed or not.
I don't care whether he comes or not.
I don't care whether he stays or goes.
I mean you really don't care whether you live or die.
I do not care whether it rains or not.
We didn't really care whether won or lost the game.
None of us care whether they do right or wrong, good or harm.
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- carelessness definition
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- careering define
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- careful effort
- career direction
- caret in math
- carelessness define
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- caressed meaning
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- caress synonym
- care off
- care homes