

词汇 nice place
释义 nice place
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give place───让位

nickel plate───镍镀层


high place───上层;重要地位;高处

ice pack───冰袋;大片浮冰;冰裹法

ice plant───制冰厂;[植]冰叶日中花

in place───适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置

nave plate───轮毂垫圈

no place───地址不详;哪里都不


's a nice place. We've stayed there ourselves, as a matter of fact.───那个地方不错。其实,我们自己在那儿待过。

That is a nice place to visit.───那是一个很好的参观地点。

It's such a nice place," mother said as she sat at the table reserved for customs.───当妈妈坐在为海关人员预留的桌子旁边时,她说:“这真是个好地方。”

Remember if you're spending most of your waking life in your office space, you may as well make it a nice place to be!───记住如果你花费大多数醒着的时间在办公室工作,那么你最好把它变成一个好待的地方。

"I've got a nice place here, " he said, his eyes flashing about restlessly.───“我这地方很不错。”他说,他的眼睛不停地转来转去。

We were in college and KFC was the only nice place I could afford for her.───王希珏说,我们当时在上大学,没什么钱,肯德基是我能带她去的唯一一个环境不错的餐厅。

I've found a nice place in this district. Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, high ceilings, a tile bath and a big drawing room.───在这个区我找到一个好地方.三居室,厨房很大,屋顶很高,瓷砖装修的洗澡间,还有一个大客厅。

From his friendliness, we learn the world is a nice place in which to lille.───因他的友善,我们知道了这世界的美好所在。

The Laplace domain is a nice place in which to work, and transfer functions may be easily manipulated, modified and analyzed.───拉普拉斯域是一个适合于计算,和操纵,修改与分析传递函数的地方。


Is it a nice place, can I come visit?

She thinks it's a nice place to sightsee and shop.

It's a nice place you've got here.

This would be a nice place to come if we just wanted to have a one-on-one chat.

There's a nice place down the road.

It's a nice place. We've stayed there ourselves, as a matter of fact.

Simply put, are you going to a nice place or a nasty one?

It's a helluva nice place.

Stuart bought a nice place over on Oak Street.

  • nice a day
  • nice hopr
  • nicer defined
  • nice andsweet
  • nice to me
  • nice one
  • nice phoblind
  • nice on you
  • nice spot
  • nice drink
  • nice writing
  • nice back
  • nice t
  • nice lake
  • nice prsmoke
  • nice ride
  • nice now
  • nice flowers
  • nicec othes
  • nice i miss sweety
  • nice hat




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