

词汇 care of
释义 care of
care of发音



came of───从…引来

scare off───吓跑

come of───出身于…;起源于…;由…引起

made of───由…组成,由…构成

make of───了解;用…制造

more of───更多的

a case of───……的案例;……的情况

care home───护理中心;照护所

score off───驳倒;打败


How much do men share housework and the care of the children?───男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作?

She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children.───她把所有精力都花在料理家务和照顾孩子上。

Most of the staff specialise in the care of children.───多数员工都掌握专业的儿童保育知识。

Her work is to take care of the children.───她的工作是照料好孩子.

See that you take care of him.───一定要照顾好他。

You take care of your end, kid, I'll take care of mine.───你管好你的事,孩子,我会管好我的。

Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself.───你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。

We need to take care of our bodies.───我们需要注意身体。

I'll take great care of it.───我会加倍爱惜它的。

Promise me you'll take very special care of yourself.───答应我,你会特别小心照顾好自己。

I can take care of your kind.───我能对付像你这样的家伙。

The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.───照顾老人仍然被确认为是家庭范围的事。

You have to learn to take care of your possessions.───你得学会保管好自己的财物。

Please write to me care of the publishers.───写给我的信请由出版商收转。

I take care of them to the best of my abilities.───我尽我所能地照顾他们。

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