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词汇 carbon footprint
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carbon footprints───碳足迹;碳排放量

green footprint───n.绿色足迹

green footprints───n.绿色足迹

electronic footprint───电子足迹

carbon copies───复写本;副本(carboncopy的名词复数)

carbon dating───n.[核]碳测定年代;碳-14年代测定

electronic footprints───电子足迹

digital footprint───数字足迹

carbon capture───碳捕获


The water-cooling scheme will reduce the system's carbon footprint by up to 85 percent.───水冷却方案将减少系统的碳足迹高达85%。

We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.───我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。

I dread to think what the carbon footprint must be like of moving that coal, but we have no choice.───我都不敢想象为了运这些煤产生了多少碳足迹,但我们别无选择。

We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.───我们都需要寻找减少我们碳足迹的办法。

But calculating the carbon footprint of a product is far from easy.───但是计算产品的碳质残留物还远不能容易地做到.

Besides reducing the carbon footprint, the 2.3 square kilometre pyramid has many other benefits.───除可减少碳排放量, 这个占地2.3平方公里的项目还有许多其他优势.

We have a new line of environment - friendly shoes. They leave a low - carbon footprint.───我们有一款新的环保的鞋子. 它们留下是低碳的鞋印.

The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually.───在中国,平均每户每年的碳排放量是2.41吨二氧化碳.


The finals in South Africa next year are expected to have a carbon footprint eight times that of the 2006 World Cup in Germany, even before long-haul international travel is taken into account.

We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

All these things will make a small difference individually, but taken together they might shave a few percent off your total carbon footprint.

Washables can have a lower carbon footprint, but only if you have an energy-efficient washing machine, use a 60-degree wash cycle, limit yourself to 24 nappies, and don't tumble dry or iron them.

But the company said in a conference call that its total carbon footprint has continued to climb, reflecting a growing number of users and society's increasing reliance on online services.

And the carbon footprint of the hybrid-driving country dweller with her triple-paned windows, backyard composter and geothermal heat pump?

But it said more could have been done to work with grassroots groups and reduce the Games' total carbon footprint.

Use a cotton bag 131 or more, can be reduced and their carbon footprint as low as ordinary plastic bags.

The total carbon footprint to produce one pound of beef was reduced by 14 percent since 1977, according to research by Washington State University.

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  • carbon neutrality
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