

词汇 cannot help but
释义 cannot help but
cannot help but发音

v.不得不; 无奈


cannot choose but───只得;只好;不得不

can't help sth───无能为力

cannot but───不得不,禁不住

cannot help oneself───情不自禁;不能自制

can't help───禁不住,忍不住;不得不

to help out───帮忙

God help us───上帝保佑我们

anything but───根本不,决不

can't hack it───无法破解


I cannot help but to admit that most of our Chinese people don't know God.───我不得不承认我们大多数中国人是不懂上帝(上苍)的.

Due to the present price level, we cannot help but adjust our offer.───由于目前的价格情况, 我方不得不调整报价.

This act of art is a true act of peace that everyone, regardless of religion, cannot help but admire.───这一行为艺术是真正的和平行为,任何人无论种族禁不住钦佩起来。

I cannot ( help ) but admire his courage.───我不得不佩服他的勇气.

Tonight, I cannot help but marvel at how far we have come together.───今晚,我不禁对双方交往的长足进展感到惊叹。

When mice are faced with many different foods to choose from, they too cannot help but overeat.───当老鼠面对各种食物可以自主选择时,它们也会忍不住吃得过多。

Witt cannot help but clasping Wie and cannot utter a word.───维特情不自禁地地抱住微,说不出一句话.

I cannot help but admire his courage, strength and competence.───我不得不赞赏他的勇敢 、 力量和能力.

The huntsman cannot help but moves back, surprised and useless.───猎人惊愕又无奈的退下.

I cannot help but be impressed with the practicability of this education.───这种教育确实有效,不能不给我留下深刻印象.

When it rains, you cannot help but get your shoes wet.───下雨天, 你的鞋子岂能不沾湿.

You cannot help but respect them.───你不得不尊敬他们.

With such a discrepancy a European visitor cannot help but feel flush.───欧洲的游客对这样大的价差空间会激动不已.


With such a discrepancy a European visitor cannot help but feel flush.

Witt cannot help but clasping Wie and cannot utter a word.

Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with theirs indefatigable desire.

Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.

I cannot help but admire his courage, strength and competence.

"Human infants are highly social creatures who cannot help but interpret the ostensive communicative signals directed to them, " the researchers wrote.

You cannot help but respect them.

Females cannot help but sigh: where am I?

Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with their indefatigable desire.

  • cannot help doing sth
  • cannot wait to do
  • cannot seem to
  • cannot catch
  • cannot open connection
  • cannot help but
  • cannot help oneself
  • cannot help




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