

词汇 after a fashion
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after the fashion of───模仿

in a fashion───以......的方式

retro fashion───复古时装

after a sort───稍微;有几分



fast fashion───快速时尚

of fashion───时尚的

parrot fashion───鹦鹉来比喻学舌


He can speak English, after a fashion.───他能讲英语, 讲得马马虎虎.

been cleaned after a fashion.───干干净净。

He knows English after a fashion.───他多少懂一点英语.

I can speak French after a fashion.───我勉强能说一点法文.

He knew the way, after a fashion.───他勉强认路。

He is pleasant in conversation and witty after a fashion.───他谈话很悦人,且略具智慧.

I can play the piano, after a fashion.───我会弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎。

He can speak and write English after a fashion.───他多少会说和写一点英语,但不太好。

I can play the piano after a fashion.───我多少会弹点钢琴.

He can play the piano after a fashion.───他能弹点钢琴.

In the street it was usually possible to talk, after a fashion.───一般在街上,总能马马虎虎说点话儿.

He liked him after a fashion.───他有几分喜欢他.

My native language is Franch, so I speak Japanese after a fashion.───我的母语是法语, 所以我的日语说得不好.

Donna can sing after a fashion.───唐纳多少能唱一些歌.

John speaks Russian after a fashion, but Jean speaks it much better.───约翰的俄语说得不怎么好, 而简却说得好得多.

She was educated — after a fashion — at home.───她算得上是受过教育——家庭教育。

With two months of training, She plays the guitar after a fashion.───训练了两个月的吉它, 她勉强会弹一点.

She knows English after a fashion.───她略知英语.


Kissing continues, after a fashion, but tongues now completely verboten.

He knew the way, after a fashion.

She was educated — after a fashion — at home.

I can cook, after a fashion.

The group learns to ride and lasso after a fashion.

You met him ... Well, after a fashion, you met him ten years ago or so.

I can play the piano after a fashion.

So they became friends, after a fashion .

It has worked, after a fashion.

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