

词汇 business cards
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n.名片( business card的名词复数 ); 商业名片


business card───名片;商务名片

business cases───商业案例

business parks───商业园;商业区

business case───商业案例

business class───商务舱;商务舱的;乘坐商务舱地

business ends───起作用的一头;锐利的一头;业务端点

business park───商业园;商业区

business casuals───商务休闲装;商务便装

business centres───商务中心;商业中心


It's important to exchange personal or business cards.───交换个人或商业名片是很重要的.

Clever business cards are not just the preserve of large companies.───充满奇思妙想的商务名片不仅仅是大公司的专利.

The market of high - end business cards is an untapped area in China.───留学解答资讯网:中国的 高档 名片市场是空白.

Business cards can sometimes feel like a bit of an anachronism.───商务名片有时候感觉好像有点过时.

I printed the best business CARDS.───我打印最好的名片。

Jeff: Can I have one of your business cards please, Joan?───杰夫: 给我一张你的名片好吗, 琼?

Billy: Business cards have a long history and many, many uses.───比利: 名片的历史很长,而且用途很多很多.

Business cards can also be printed and delivered upon guest requests.───商务中心还可以按客人的要求印名片.

Running on a variety of phones, Dub lets you swap business cards electronically, even with people who don't use the service.───Dub 可以在多种手机上运行,让你可以通过电子方式交换名片,甚至可以与不使用这项服务的人交换名片。

Mission: Jiaozuo create business cards Jiaozuo enhance the image, enhance their visibility.───公司使命为: 打造焦作名片,提升焦作形象, 提高企业知名度.

I will have to remember to bring a lot of business cards.───我得记着带很多名片.

Carry business cards with you ( all day , every day ).───每天随身携带商务名片.

Tianmashan business card has specially designed business cards.───天马名片有专门设计的名片包装盒.

Pull all your contacts and catalogue all those loose business cards.───拉出那些散落的企业明信片所有的联络和记录.

Self - employed, set up in 1996, Main office supplies, typing, photocopying, business cards, lettering, printing, light box.───个体经营者, 1996年成立, 主营办公用品 、 打字 、 复印 、 名片 、 刻字 、 印刷 、 灯箱.

But this kind of long - distance discount packages are what the business cards?───像这类长途优惠的套餐业务都是什么卡?

Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others, but they dislike it when you just put the cards in your pocket without looking.───日本人打招呼时可能会鞠躬,甚至向对方递名片,但他们不喜欢你不看一眼就把名片放在口袋里。

Administer replies and hand out business cards to everyone that is present.───负责答复,并向在场的每个人分发了名片.


Bag, there are business cards, phone book, and a small notebook computer and some clothes.

They even printed their own business cards.

Change stationary, business cards and advertising to show new codes.

The minimum order is five hundred business cards.

Rambam printed business cards carrying a working telephone number complete with voice mail.

He carries no business cards other than the ones his companies give him.

Some of them print up business cards, like lawyers.

We exchanged business cards.

Just business cards that say PRoDUcER.

  • business secret
  • business meeting
  • business suite
  • business letter format
  • business trip
  • business trust listing
  • businesslike defined
  • business conference
  • business entity
  • business community
  • business connection
  • business firm
  • business guest
  • business as usual
  • business tax
  • business to business
  • business women
  • business leader
  • business sectors
  • business deal
  • business activity program




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