

词汇 tighten up
释义 tighten up
tighten up发音

使紧密,加强; 收紧



tightens up───加强;使紧密;拉紧;使更牢固

lighten up───放松,不要生气

tightened up───加强;使紧密;拉紧;使更牢固

brighten up───发亮;变得明亮起来

lightens up───放松,不要生气

lighted up───点亮

straighten up───好转;改正;清理

tightening up───固紧(tightenup的现在分词)

to lighten up───使轻松


important to tighten up the wheels properly, otherwise they vibrate loose and fall off.───把车轮拧紧很重要,否则它们会振动而松脱。

We need to tighten up security at the prison.───我们必须加强监狱的安全性.

Why does China tighten up its visa policies?───为什么中国收紧了签证政策?

Work swiftly, but don't tense up; relax your body and mind and never tighten up.───工作要赶不要急, 身心要松不要紧.

Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.───到本周为止,一切旨在严格执法的努力都失败了。

Tighten up the nuts on the cylinder cover.───把气缸盖上的螺母上紧.

I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up.───我要求我们这次要更加理智、更加严格要求自己。

He say he will take step to tighten up the administration.───他说他将采取措施加强行政管理.

We'd better tighten up the ropes a bit.───我们最好把绳子拉紧一点.

Please hand me the spanner; I've got to tighten up the what's - its - name.───请递给我板手, 我得拧紧这个玩意儿.

The most straightforward way to do so would be to tighten up controlled - foreign - corporation ( CFC ) rules.───最直接了当的办法是加强受控外国公司规则.

Tighten up the packing gland on the swivel.───紧一下水龙头冲管盘根.

This article also put forward proposals on tighten up the management of under artificial feeding.───并对如何加强丹顶鹤的饲养管理提出了具体建议.

Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.───到本周为止,一切严格执法的努力都失败了。

It's important to tighten up the wheels properly, otherwise they vibrate loose and fall off.───把轮子拧紧是很重要的,否则它们会因振动松动、脱落。

Don't tighten up your throat, or you will sing badly.───别把嗓子绷得那么紧, 否则会唱得很糟.

He said he would take steps to tighten up the law.───他说他将采取措施使法律更严格有效.

Then tighten up the 4 screws.───然后锁紧那4颗螺丝.

  • tightening straps
  • tighten up a notch
  • tighten abdominal muscles
  • tighten face
  • tighten the loose end




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