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词汇 bundled up
释义 bundled up
bundled up发音



bundle up───使穿暖;把…捆扎

bundles up───使穿暖;把…捆扎

bubbled up───往上冒泡;沸腾

buckled up───系好安全带;把…扣紧

bunched up───聚成一团

bunged up───鼻子不通气

cuddled up───蜷缩着睡

muddled up───混淆;弄错;弄乱

bundled off───v.匆匆离开;撵走


It was Gatsby's father, a solemn old man, very helpless and dismayed, bundled up in a long cheap ulster against the warm September day.───来的是盖茨比的父亲,一个很庄重的老头子,非常可怜,非常沮丧,这样暖和的九月天就裹上了一件蹩脚的长外套。

At least, if I had to be bundled up, Edward's shirt was on the floor.───不过至少,在我被绑得严实时,爱德华的衬衫则弃在了地板上。

he said, opening his greatcoat, which he held bundled up in his arms.───他说,打开他的大衣,这件大衣是被他裹成一团抱在怀里的。

I can ' t wait to see our baby-to-be bundled up in the darling " snowsack" you gave me at the baby shower.───我迫不急待地想看到我们将出生的宝宝包在你赠送的那个可爱的雪白襁褓里。

Kim was shown bundled up in a parka with matching thick gloves.───在照片上,金正日穿着一件派克式皮制大衣和与之相配套的厚手套。

The next morning, he bundled up some food in a red bandanna handkerchief, told his parents good-by, and set off into the world.───次日早晨,他用一块红色的印花大手帕包了一些点心,告别了双亲,出发去闯天下。


The Kat was then bundled up in a sack by the Right to Censor and taken away.

We bundled up some old clothes for the jumble sale.

Her slender body was untidily bundled up in a big leathery jacket and she was wearing long, shiny red boots.

He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.

People sat bundled up in scarves, coats, and boots.

She bundled up her clothes and pushed them into a cupboard.

The kids were bundled up in coats and scarves.

The old man bundled up against the cold.

I bundled up those books and took them to the post.

  • bundled voting
  • bundled wheat




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