

词汇 breath smells
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breathing spells───呼吸咒语

breath tests───呼吸试验;呼气测醉试验

death bells───死亡钟声

death cells───死亡细胞

death knells───丧钟;结束的信号

breathing spell───喘息的机会;休息或考虑问题的机会

breathe deeply───深呼吸


Don't breathe on me! Your breath smells.───别对着我呼气!你的口气很臭。

Your breath smells of brandy .───你的呼吸带有白兰地酒味。

This is a great product. My kids love it and their breath smells so good after brushing with it. Gets rid of the sour smell from teething. Love it!───这是一款很棒的产品。使用它之后,我的孩子们嘴巴里的气味非常好闻,从此就可以告别牙齿里的怪味道了。喜欢!

Benny, your breath smells like an ashtray. You've got to stop smoking!───班尼,你的口气闻起来像烟灰缸。你必须要戒烟了!

Like to listen to the sound of rain the small cool breath smells air.───喜欢听下雨的声音闻空气中的微凉气息。

But today Ronan is alive and his breath smells like sweet rice.───目前罗南还好好地活着,他的呼吸如大米一样香甜。

You must have drunk somewhere. Your breath smells of wine.───你肯定在哪里喝过酒,你呼出的有酒味。

And my breath smells like fly.───还有我嘴巴里有苍蝇味道


His breath smells of garlic.

Your breath smells of brandy.

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