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词汇 breast pocket
释义 breast pocket
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breast pockets───n.小袋,胸袋

ballast pocket───道砟袋

vest pocket───背心口袋

ballast pockets───道砟袋

back pocket───后兜

besom pocket───镶边内部口袋

breast bone───胸骨;胸叉

breast bones───胸骨;胸叉

coat pocket───衣袋


He died with his latest photograph of you and the children in his breast pocket.───他牺牲的时候,在他的上衣口袋里的珍藏着你和孩子们的照片.

two breast pocket please.───请装两个胸袋。

Byron took the dispatch from his breast pocket and showed it to his sister.───拜伦从衣服上面的口袋里取出电报递给他妹妹.

You can put your pen, purse and name card holder in inside breast pocket.───上衣内侧胸袋可用来放钢笔 、 钱夹或名片夹.

I kept the list in my breast pocket.───我把单子放在胸前的暗袋里。

He drew a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket.───他从上衣口袋里抽出一扎文件.

He draw a sheaf of papers from his breast pocket.───他从上衣口袋里抽出一札文件.

He always has a white handkerchief in the breast pocket of his jacket.───他常在上衣口袋上放一块白手帕.

A: Do you have this desing with only one breast pocket?───你们有这种只有一个胸兜的款式 吗 ?

He reached into his breast pocket for his cigar case.───他把手伸进胸前口袋里拿雪茄烟盒。

Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.───邦伯里手伸进前胸口袋里摸索钱包。

I kept the list in my breast pocket.───我把名单放在了胸部的衣兜里。

Light meter out of left breast pocket. Check it at f / 8.───从左胸口袋中拿出光谱仪, 对到1/8.

He reached into his breast pocket.───他把手伸进上衣胸袋。

He clapped his hand to his breast pocket.───他把手按在胸前口袋上.

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