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basic research───基本研究


present research───当前的研究

operations research───[数]运筹学;作业研究

em;yo research───胚胎研究

market research───n.[贸易]市场调查

marketing research───[贸易]销售调研


The study is to be published in the journal Brain Research Bulletin.───这一研究将会发表在《脑研究通报杂志》上面.

The research may represent the bravest frontier of brain research.───该研究也许表现了脑研究的勇敢的边境.

The findings were presented on October 21st at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago, and they'll be published in the journal Behavioural Brain Research in December.───德国Tübingen大学Hertie临床脑科研究所研究人员的发现支持这种观点。

Now it has been widely used in the treatment of psychiatric and brain research.───现在已经广泛地应用于精神疾病治疗及脑功能的研究.

Recent brain research has demonstrated that our brains remain plastic well into old age.───最近的大脑研究表明,我们的大脑到老都会很好的保持可塑性.

I believe we are nearing a tipping-point in brain research where the discoveries, treatments and cures will come more quickly than the questions.───我相信大脑研究即将迎来其引爆点。所有的发现,医疗以及治愈都将比问题来得更快。

The findings, published in Brain Research, suggest acupuncture has a significant effect on specific nerve structures.───这些结果在脑研究上发表, 表明针灸对特定的神经结构有重要的影响作用.

New brain research suggests getting over romantic rejection might be akin to kicking an addiction.───最新的大脑研究显示,克服失恋类似于戒除某种癖好.

Scientists are still years away from bridging baby - brain research and the classroom, Kuhl says.───卡尔认为,科学家距离将婴儿智力研究衔接到课堂教育这一步尚远.


The Cognitive Neuroscience Society is committed to the development of mind and brain research aimed at investigating the psychological, computational, and neuroscientific bases of cognition.

So beyond perhaps helping defuse tensions a bit between cross-cultural roommates or spouses, does East-West brain research have real-world applications?

This is a major clue to how the brain reorganizes itself during learning, says Graybiel, who is also a principal investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.

At present, the artificial brain research is still at its initial period, and the methods to construct artificial brain are being explored.

Those explanations miss the larger point, says Beau Lotto, a brain research at University College London.

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