

词汇 advanced search
释义 advanced search
advanced search发音



advanced degree───高级学位

advanced stage───晚期

advanced degrees───高级学位

advance guard───军队前卫,先头部队;先锋派

advance guards───军队前卫,先头部队;先锋派

advance party───前卫尖兵群

advanced age───高龄,老年


Main production water dispensers, water purifiers , washing machines, heaters, dryers Advanced search , electric fans, etc.───主要生产饮水机 、 净水器 、 洗衣机 、 取暖器 、 干衣机、浴霸 、 电风扇等,年产量达百万台以上.

In previous three installments of this series, a SOA service registry with advanced search capability was described.───在本系列的前三部分中,描述了具有高级搜索功能的SOA服务注册表。

This field is used in the Advanced Search as a Limiter.───这个字段在高级搜索中作为限制条件使用.

In this installment, part 4, of the series you learned how to handle multiple service names matches in a service registry with advanced search capability.───在系列文章的第4部分中,您可学习如何利用高级搜索功能来处理服务注册表中多服务名匹配问题。

Another difference is that you can do an advanced search with no criteria at all.───另一项差异之处在于,在进行高级搜索时可以根本不用搜索标准。


Advanced Search lets you type in a Top Level Domain (like .co.uk ) in the "Search within site of domain" box to restrict results.

This field is used by the Advanced Search Engine as a Limiter.

The Advanced Search portlet generates the Query Extend message, which contains the advanced query terms that need to be added to the full-text query.

You have learned the reasons why an advanced search capability in a SOA registry is needed.

This field is used in the Advanced Search as a Limiter.

In cases where no advanced search functionality, like stemming, is used, it is possible to use a workaround using the contains() XQuery built-in function that was previously introduced.

To perform a detailed search, use our Advanced Search.

Advanced search options to locate and load previously saved invoices in the system.

Take advantage of advanced search functionality (gasp!) such as plurals, truncation, and wild-card and Boolean operators when using your local library catalog or databases.

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  • advanced robotics
  • advanced search
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  • advanced age
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  • advanced night repair eye




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