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词汇 两个人一组地用英语怎么说
释义 两个人一组地用英语怎么说

In pairs


两个人───2 people


Dan you can try to manage a small group, you can try to tell a group of 2 people or 5 people what to do.───Dan’s,advice,,his,observation,was,你可以管理一小群人,你可一个告诉一个2人或是5人团队,他们应该做什么。

Break up, only one person, why should a person like 2 people agree.───分手的时候,只有一个人,为什么要同意2人一样的人。

there a name for this? Where 2 people set essentially the same screen?───这个战术有名字吗? 2个人同时打一个挡拆?

Of the people getting past the phone interview, we'll probably fly two or three out to New York for an in-person interview.───在通过电话面试的人中,我们可能会邀请2到3个飞到纽约,进行面对面的面试。

Yesterday, a writer of the interview, people only buy books that a year spent 1, 2 million, how much do I have?───前日,看一作家访谈,人家只买书这一件一年就花1,2万,我才多少呢?

This knows all the direction at below said the business of the ground of many disorder with archaic effortless 2 people.───这一路上,知在下和古易两人说了许多混乱之地的事情。

I'm not expecting these things out of you but I should have known something was wrong, it was like living with 2 people in one person.───我不期待这些事在您但我外面应该知道某事是错误的,它是象居住与2个人在一个人。

At the end of the performance, 2-thousand lanterns were sent up to the sky, symbolizing people's best wishes.───在表演结束之后,两千个灯笼被放飞,象征着人们最美好的祝福。

Though people usually get one every 2+ years, most optometrists will only honor them for a up to a year afterwards.───虽然人们通常两年多才会使用一张新的处方,大多数验光师只接受最多一年前的处方。


In addition, 2 people of husband and wife are abstinency meet too for long again, the husband often can be compared in sexual life excited.

The compatible personality is what initiates the connection between 2 people and a strong-willed character at both ends is what maintains the connection.

Because of agnate have individual and secrete homonymic, distinguish 2 people to facilitate, so others calls him " filial piety secrete " .

If there are more than 2 people, the threshold for help is increased by £52 for each extra person.

Eric is believed to be 1 of just 2 people in the UK to have completed the giant brain teaser.

Mongolia is the second least populated country with just 4.2 people per square mile.

Burundi had the highest rate owing to war at 1.2 people per thousand of the population.

The other day, I'd overheard 2 people boasting about the numerous urchins they ate, collected from Tai Long Bay area years ago.

Heart, regardless murderer is their 2 people wins of which, as long as he begins, riddle bottom meeting right away water rockslide.

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