bobby pins───发夹(bobbypin的名词复数)
bobby sox───短袜(尤指少女穿着者)
booby prize───末名奖品
bobby calf───n.初生之犊,牛犊
county pin───县别针
bobbery pack───杂交猎犬群
booby prizes───末名奖品
In Britain they call a bobby pin a grip.───英国人把“bobbypin”(扁平发夹)称为“grip”.
hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip.───梳从两耳上部向中间挑起脑顶的头发,与剩下的部分分为两个区,做出一个公主头,用发卡别住上面分好区的头发。
Part the hair down the middle from the forehead to the crown of the head, and pin the sections into place using bobby pins or hair clips.───前额至公主头的中间部分向下梳,把这部分头发别到第一步中别过发卡的位置。
Pin the parted hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip.───将剩下的头发再从两耳中间的位置与颈部上方的头发作区分,并分别用发卡别好。
Unlock Handcuffs With A Bobby Pin! Trick Revealed!───用发夹打开手铐!
Maybe Monica has a bobby pin. -I'm sure. Monica. -So, how's the hideously inappropriate crush on Rachel coming?───也许莫尼卡有发夹。-我确定莫尼卡一定有。-那,你暗恋雷切尔的事怎么样了?
The locks on the cases are a joke; I pop themwith a bobby pin I find next to the cash register, and help myself.───箱子上的锁是假的,我在收银机旁找到一个发夹把箱子撬开。
When no one's looking, pop open the control-panel hatch with a paper clip or bobby pin.───没人注意的时候,用纸夹或发夹迅速打开控制板。
I spring the lock withmy bobby pin and open the glass door.───我用发夹敲开了锁,打开了玻璃门。
When no one's looking, pop open the control-panel hatch with a paper clip or bobby pin.
- bobby seale
- bobby fischer
- bobby brown