

词汇 boarding pass
释义 boarding pass
boarding pass发音

n.登机卡; 登船卡; 登机牌



boarding passes───利用界墙;反弹传球

boarding cards───乘车证;乘客证(boardingcard的名词复数)

boarding party───登船搜查或攻击的人员

boarding card───乘车证

boarding fees───住宿费

boarding outs───不在住的地方吃饭;在外搭伙

boarding parties───登机派对


Can I see your boarding pass?───我可以看看您的登机牌 吗 ?

Here's your luggage check - in slip and your boarding pass.───这是您的行李单和登机卡.

Well after the boarding pass, according to the above posted to wait for the boarding gate, the other nothing to say, in accordance with the above guidelines and logo can be.───办好登机牌后,按上面登载的登机口等候登机,其它没什么说的,按照指引和标识就可以上。

OK, there is your boarding pass, Gate 6 please.───好了, 这是你的登机证, 请去6号登机口.

Please get your documents, boarding pass and departure card ready.───请准备好你们的证件 、 登机牌和出境卡.

Please note that the ferry ticketing office levies cancellation and amendment charges once boarding pass is issued.───请注意船票一经确认,如需取消或者修改时间,渡轮公司将会收取一定费用。

Alright, Here are your baggage claim tags, ticket, boarding pass an passport.───好了, 这是您的行李领取单, 机票, 登记证及护照.

May I see your boarding pass, please, sir?───我能看一下你的登机牌吗, 先生?

Leon: Here you are. This is my boarding pass.───里昂?你自己看吧. 这是我的登机证.

At the check - in counter you will receive your boarding pass.───你们将会在报到柜台拿到登机证.

And here is your boarding pass.───这儿是您的登机证.

Here are your boarding pass and luggage claim slips.───这是您的登机证及行李认领单.

Here are your baggage claim tags, flight ticket, boarding pass and passport.───这是您的行李领取证, 机票, 登机及护照.

Wait! What did I do with my boarding pass?───等一等, 我的登机牌放哪儿了?

May I see your boarding pass?───能看一下您的登记牌吗?

Here is your ticket and boarding pass.───这是您的机票和登机牌.

Please check in here and get your boarding pass.───请在这儿检票并领取登记牌.

Where can I get my boarding pass and have my luggage weighed?───在那里换登机牌、给行李称重?


Here are your boarding pass and luggage claim slips.

Wait! What did I do with my boarding pass?

I keep all my tickets and boarding passes as souvenirs.

Can I see your boarding pass?

OK, there is your boarding pass, Gate 6 please.

Here is your ticket and boarding pass.

Please check in here and get your boarding pass.

Leon: Here you are. This is my boarding pass.

May I see your boarding pass, please, sir?

  • boarding horses
  • boarding pass
  • boarding gate
  • boarding check
  • boarding cac
  • boarding house




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