Don't hit people
No mathematician is infallible; he may make mistakes, but he must not hedge.───没有一位数学家是一贯正确的; 他可能会犯错误, 但他绝不会回避任何一个问题.
No one could plumb the mystery.───没人能看破这秘密.
Jasper has put up " No Parking'signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect.───贾斯珀 “ 把禁止停车”的牌子挂在大门外, 但这没产生什么效果.
I am in no mood for joking.───我没闲心开玩笑.
As the jewel was in the rough state , he had no idea what size it would be when cut.───这块宝石未经琢磨, 他不知道加工后有多大.
When money falls in value, there is no encouragement to save.───货币贬值时, 就无法鼓励人们储蓄.
As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn.───众说纷纭, 莫衷一是.
There is no other player even remotely approaching her caliber.───就才干而言,其他选手远远赶不上她.
There is no harm in trying it.───不妨一试.
There's no need to get excited.───无须乎着急.
I had no choice in the matter.
A clean hand wants no washing.
Shoes are no good if they let in water.
He has no sense of responsibility.
Once on shore, we pray no more.
I have no other choice but to do so.
No one can understand how I really feel.
A forced kindness deserves no thanks.
True coral needs no painter's brush.
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- frail synonym
- monomania japan
- but it s not
- nose drop
- squeaking noise in ear
- baby snowman
- bright nose
- blurting out synonym
- ambiguity synonym
- none others